A band named Rosetta West, which sounds a bit like the grandmother to Kanye, has released a new album called Night's Cross. After listening to it four times, this record is everything Rosetta West says it is:
"[Night's Cross] mixes rock, blues, and Romani folk styles in a cohesive work that frequently contemplates suffering and death."
Yes. That is a good way of looking at this album. Sad songs and confusing messages settle atop one another in interesting ways. The delight and appreciation of life are squeezed out of the bottle to focus on the grittier parts that exist for us all. Night's Cross by Rosetta West tells you to watch out for Suzie, avoid losing your soul to Diana, and be careful around Dora Lee who comes up in at least two different tracks.
Joseph Demagore is the vocalist and guitarist while Jason X plays bass and keyboard, and their drummer is named Nicolas Q. Scratch. I haven't seen Rosetta West in person, but I wouldn't be surprised if Scratch were the same being who taught Robert Johnson how to play guitar at the crossroads and lost to Johnny in a fiddling contest.
For me, one of the most interesting elements is listening to a band that believes "genre" is a myth. There are so many folk and rock styles being played across these 12 songs of Night's Cross. Ready to Go starts with an alternative style before moving into a more blues vibe with its verses and repeats. Alligator Farm starts with alligator sounds as it moves into a story about a dream featuring an "alligator queen" who does not have her alligator heart focused on anything positive. This is the song where Joseph Demagore cries out for salvation.
One of my favorite songs on Night's Cross is Baby Doll. This is partly because it rocks, but there is a hopeful story attached to the song. A boy meets a girl he's been in love with for a long time. They are finally going to get a chance to be together despite what a "trainwreck it's going to be." That's when you have to look at the title. What is Baby Doll really about? To me, it sounds like a much older man, falling for a younger woman with the understanding that whatever happens will be bad for everyone. That's Rosetta West for you. You get a little of the good with a lot of the grit.
Night's Cross is a quality album. It's filled with interesting lyrics and numerous mixed "genres" despite this band not believing in such things. Either way, Joseph, Jason, and Nicholas Q. Scratch (a.k.a. Satan) have created a cool style and put it forth for the rest of us to connect with.