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How to promote my music?

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Every hour a thousand music tracks are uploaded on the main digital music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Google Music, and Deezer. Now between all these music how can you promote your music?

Surely this is not the first website you have clicked on in the hope of finding a way to promote your music. So you already know all the steps other people say. Just to make sure here is the list of the things you should do:

  • Upload your music on famous streaming platforms and music stores.

  • Make your social pages on at least two of the big social media apps.

  • Get your own Youtube channel.

  • Make sure to claim your Spotify, Amazon, and Apple music for the artist apps.

  • Upload your music on Soundcloud, Reddit, and

  • Hold live concerts and events

  • Build a website for yourself

The list goes on and on. Already there are a lot of tasks you should do here. One independent artist who probably is doing a part-time or even full-time job besides their music simply does not have enough time to do all of those steps. And even if by some miracle you get the time and do them all, it’s just the beginning. You don’t get famous just by doing these steps. Lots more have to be done. You need to have a lot of money and a lot of energy to be heard.

So what should we do? We, who do not have enough money to hire professional marketing managers and nor have enough time to do all the steps on our own, what can we do?

Our answer is in two words. “Focus” and “Patience”

We recommend you first of all to know about your genre. Therefore know about your audience. Then you can decide where the audience ao your music can be found, whether they are more on Instagram or music weblogs or Facebook or live concerts, first and foremost you should find them. And then just focus on the place that your audience is.

For example, if you are a musician who composes electronic dance music, TikTok is the ultimate app for you to be. Have your music in there, try to make clips using your own music, and let your friends do the same and try to make a wave.

If you are composing chill and easy-listening music, you must find a way to get on Spotify and Apple music’s playlists with a high amount of followers. There are several ways to do that. But just don’t trust all the companies who claim they can put your music on a playlist.

You may find that your audience is actually in the bars and venues. Then go for it. Forget about having a studio-recorded release on iTunes. What does it matter if no one buys that but two of your friends and your proud mom? First, you need to have an audience base, then release your album for them. So if your audience demands live music, go talk to the venue and bar owner and play live. Even for free. Just show yourself, let people hear you, and slowly gather your audience.

This process can take a long time. Even five years maybe. Don’t ever compare yourself to teenage pop stars, there are millions of dollars budget behind them that makes them a superstar overnight. We don’t want to say that it will not happen to you, no we hope that something like that happens to your musical career, but the chances are low. Not many superstars are out there, but a lot of musicians are.

Maybe just by making music clips or live performances on Youtube, you could actually gather a good amount of views in time and then if you get lucky and a producer finds you, then you will get heard enough. But even if it didn’t happen, just don’t lose hope, always remember that you are doing it for your own. Continue and be sure that you will be famous enough one day.

In the end, we want to confess that we know there was nothing to really guide you here too. That’s because every person in every situation has a different way of success and there is no one way to get famous, except spending a lot of money of course. But if you feel a little lost, just contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will help you to find your own road map toward success. And don’t worry, we won’t charge you.

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